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7 Golden Reasons Why Daily Sex is Beneficial


Life’s anxieties and strains have never been more prevalent. Pressure is a daily constant for both men and women as the pace of life repeatedly quickens. This is the reason it is completely imperative to spend regular, close time with your partner. Daily sex will not only do your relationship the worlds of good it will assist relieve the constant pressures and stress you are under and enhance your health.

Let us look at 7 golden reasons why you can take advantage from having sex each and every day of the week:

1.Relieving Stress

It is notable that during relaxing sex sessions your body produces three hormones which are essential to your prosperity. These are: Endorphines which are more normally called as “joy hormones”. Oxytocin which is a hormone that is emitted by your pituitary gland and acts as a desire enhancer, and Dopamine which is an essential hormone regarding battling stress.

2.Lowering Blood Pressure

The medical term for High blood pressure is Hypertension. If you are continually stressed this can contribute to an increase in your systolic and diastolic readings. Healthy blood pressure level is something that display readings of 120/80 or lower.

The first (top) number being the systolic pressure; this is measured by the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart muscles contract. The bottom number is the diastolic reading and is calculated when your heart muscle is among beats.

It is known that sexual acts and hugs bring down your diastolic blood pressure levels.

3.Healthier Heart

Sex assists to burn calories and improves your heart. Studies have revealed that men who have sex on a regular basis are far less likely to undergo from cardiovascular problems for example heart attacks and strokes.

4.Great form of exercise

We as a whole know just how significant regular exercise is, and making love is an outstanding form of physical activity. Throughout sex acts the changes in your body are akin to those which happen during a work-out session. Your respiratory rate increases, heavy breathing raises the levels of oxygen in your cells, and the testosterone produced during sex sessions assists to keep your bones and muscles strong.

5.Regular menstrual cycles

It is understood that regular sex assists to keep your periods regular. The reason behind this thought process is that sex assists to regulate hormones. In turn, this regulation assists additional regulation of the menstrual cycle. Stress is one of the key reasons a woman misses a period, and as already mentioned; regular sex decreases stress.

6.Helps with sleep

Far too many of us do not get proper sleep. Regular, mutually pleasurable sex can assist with this issue. Amid sex your heart rate increments and as things slow down you become far more relaxed and prepare for a decent sleep. It is also known that after ejaculation men become lethargic and far more inclined to falling into a satisfied rest.

7.Builds a bond of intimacy and trust

While the other six reasons are all legitimate regarding daily sex, this final reason truly is sufficient on its own. We have already mentioned the hormone Oxytocin. It is this hormone which plays a major part in your pleasure and love. Regular sex with your beloved will assist to increase the release of this hormone and bring you and your partner much nearer together.


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